Pas 8

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Wood cooker. The safety of wood cooking

Elegant wood cooker with enamel finish, efficient and robust for intensive use. With oven in stainless steel. Built in cast iron. With cooktop in glass ceramic and with air control.


Oven in stainless steel


Built in cast iron. Cast iron guarantees a high quality finish, high resilience and an optimal heat transfer.


Ceramic glass. Able to resist intense heat and sudden temperature changes.


Air control. Combustion is adjusted by the primary and secondary air controls


Ash pan. Removable ash pans guarantee a clean and convenient disposal of ashes


Enamel finish.


Airwash glass cleaning system. Air currents sweep the inner part of the glass, keeping it free of dust and particles and offering a spectacular fire view.

Finish Options:
Type of fuel Wood
Heating Method Warms by natuaral convection
Efficiency 70,6%
Net powerl 13kw
Output Smoke 150mm
Location of smoke outlet Back
Measures (LarxProfxAlt) 1022x620x846mm
Weight 275kg
Oven Measures (LarxProfxAlt) 450x425x385mm